If you fancy a change from basic black, then the Solar Stainless Worldwide Pod could be right up your street. Supplied in a compact carry bag that’s padded for complete protection, the high quality stainless steel that gives the Solar pod its striking silver look also conveys a robust, rust-resistant strength that will stand the test of time, and which is bound to impress the keen carp anglers looking to set themselves apart from the rest of the bank.
This rod pod comes without buzz bars, giving you the freedom and flexibility to use your own, a tactic which gives you tackle you’re familiar and comfortable with. You can also create a strikingly contrasted set up, giving yourself a totally unique bankside identity, something that’s sure to appeal to the new generation of Instagram anglers, who are constantly on the hunt for a way to stand out, and ensure that people pay attention. Stainless steel is also naturally anti-glare, and a stainless steel rod pod will look great in summer sunlight, whilst not spooking the fish at all – the perfect blend of style and performance, a trademark partnership that’s coming to dominate the angling scene as anglers look to streamline their tackle load without sacrificing performance.
Precision engineered and CAD designed, this rod pod has been crafted with consideration to every aspect of angling, from the support offered by the upright bridge section and strong centre bar, through to the 9” legs that set the pod at the perfect height for low banksides, whilst still allowing a functional presentation from higher banks.
1k carbon detailing finishes off the unique appeal of this stand out rod pod, and gives you a reason to invest in an attention-grabbing tackle choice right now.
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