Ringers Bag Up Carp Mix,
The proud winner of not one, not two, but three Fish ‘O Mania titles, this is a bait that really needs no introduction. Perfect for the angler that really wants to up their success rate and see some results, you can be guaranteed to see an improvement in your chances of getting that dream catch with this bait. This particular bait gives a strong fishmeal aroma, attracting the fish on a whole different level than otherwise achieved with different baits. This strong fishy smell is a clear indicator of this bait having high levels of fishmeal and is absolutely irresistible to the fish, so you can be sure that your carp will be grubbing around for hours looking to suction up every last morsel of this bait.
A welcome addition to any angler’s bait box, this is one bait that is perfectly tantalising for the fish, featuring a strong aroma that matches its delicious taste for your dream catch. With 5 years of successful angling experiences and great feedback attributed to specifically this kind of bait, you can be sure to get that perfect catch with Ringers Bag Up Carp Mix. Proudly featuring a rapid breakdown rate, this creates a strong odour that the fish can simply not resist, so you can be sure of their taking some notice when this bait enters the water! This rapid breakdown rate increases the effect of the fishmeal aroma, spreading it further as the bait dissolves. Perfect for the angler ready to make the water work for them, this is one bait that will really deliver for attracting fish to your hook!
Another added advantage of this rapid breakdown rate is that Ringers Bag Up Carp Mix can be made into paste. This is ideal for pressing into a method feeder or around your hook and it is ideal if you simply just want to try something new! The perfect bait for attracting fish in a short space of time, this is ideal for competitive anglers and those who simply want to enjoy a successful time out on the bank alike.
Although designed with carp in mind it quickly became apparent that trench loved it, and so this is the perfect bait for those anglers who are looking for carp, tench or bream – meaning this a great bait for the angler who wants to be able to target a whole range of species! Being great for attracting the fish in a short space of time, this bait has proven time and time again to deliver for anglers who want their bait to show some results. For best results, be sure to combine this bait 50/50 with Dynamite Baits’ XL Brown Crumb it makes the ideal open-end feeder mix.
Ringers has consistently provided a reliable series of products that have time and time again pleased anglers up and down the country, and the Ringers Bag Up Carp Mix will prove no exception to you. Producing a delicious golden coloured bait that really stands up to the test of time, winning three awards and remaining hugely popular, you can be sure that this is the bait that will deliver some phenomenal results for you. This bait is a fast-dissolving concoction that appeals to multiple types of fish, giving you the chance of some variety in your angling experience, so now you can get on and enjoy yourself out on the bank!
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