Nash Bank Life Camo Multi Tarp XL,Fast to erect, simple and versatile the Multi Tarp offers numerous options for protection from the elements whether unexpected showers or extreme heat. Perfect for road tripping, socials and off grid adventures the Multi Tarp can be used with vehicles, secured to trees and man made structures or combined with other shelters for any level of protection in almost any environment. Supplied with two four section locking support poles that can be split into a larger number of shorter supports for flexibility in shape.Remove the Multi Tarp from its bag and spread out on ground.Connect both poles together. The tensioning clip feature prevents the pole sections coming apart.Position the first pole in the ground. Either set the Tarp up with 2 full length poles, or divide the 4 section support poles into shorter lengths to suit the shelter profile you want to create.Loop the leading edge metal eyelet of the Tarp over the pole.Position additional poles and use guy ropes to create tension from both sides.Peg the corners of the Tarp to create tension.Adjust positioning and tension of all guy ropes until you achieve the correct positioning of Tarp.
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