The Korda Textured Distance Fishing Swivel lead has been designed purely for casting long distances. The lead can achieve impressive distances on the cast thanks to the nose-heavy design makes it very stable indeed. This design also keeps the lead condensed giving good hooking efficiency.
This Korda lead is the brainchild of Alan Partridge an ‘Old School’ angler well known in the higher echelons of carp fishing for his innovative thinking and his long-range casting.
This is without Korda’s Danny’s favourite style of lead, he says ‘I love fishing at range in open water and building up a baited area fishing all 3 rods only feet apart, the nose heavy shape of this lead means it flies straight as an arrow, it just goes where you want it to go. For this type of fishing I couldn’t think of using anything else!’
The Korda Textured Coating on the swivel lead offers a camouflaged finish and has been developed so not only will it not reflect light in the same way as a conventionally coated lead, but the textured finish will pick up sediment from the lake bed, adding to the overall subtle effect. The characteristics that allow the leads to take on sediment will also allow the leads to absorb flavours, glugs or dips. Korda suggests leaving a few leads to soak in Goo is sure to add an extra dimension of attraction.
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