Gardner Zig Rig Session Pack,Gardner Zig Rig Session Pack offers you all the essential items needed to create the perfect zig rigs.Instructions:Tie a small 3mm overhand loop in the end of zig link.Remove enough Zig Link for the final length of hook link (depending on depth of water).Thread on short section 8-10mm of Zig Foam and stop with colour matched hair stop.Attach a hook using knotless knot ensuring bait is kept tight to the hook on a very short hair.Attach to swivel using palomar knot for max strength.Tip 1,In hot weather adjust hook link so that the Zig Rig Foam is positioned just under the surface.Tip 2,Use Zig Rigs with Covert Lead Clips and a short section of Covert Rig Tubing to minimise tangles and allow quick change of lead sizes to suit casting range.
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