Gardner Mini Fishing Rig Bin
Being prepared on the bank is the key to any successful angling session and it is vital that you have the tackle that you need to hand. Whether you’re responding to a changing situation on the water or you’re looking to change up your tactics in a competitive match fishing situation, having the ability to switch things up as and when required is essential for getting the most out of your session. This is where the Gardner Mini Rig Bin comes in! As the name suggests, this is a smaller version of the original best selling bin and it has been designed with the mobile angler in mind. When you’re keeping on your feet around the bank, the last thing you want is to be carrying around excess tackle ‘just in case’. However, in the same breath, you don’t want to be left on the bank with a tired rig and no way of remedying the situation – rendering your session useless. The Gardner Mini Rig Bin ensures that you can still enjoy the versatility of multiple rig options whilst also keeping the size of your excess tackle down to a minimum.
One of the best features of the Gardner Mini Rig Bin, other than its compact size, is its pin-free storage system. Map pins have long been part and parcel with rig storage and it is worrying to think how many hundreds of pins are strewn around the UK’s bankside as a result of a quick on-bank rig change. Instead of relying on pinning your rigs, this Rig Bin uses an innovative comb system. This locks your swivels in place without damaging your rig or causing you to rely on excess pins, so you don’t have to worry about rooting around in the undergrowth of your swim trying to find the pin that just went flying from your rig storage. Simply lock the swivel or loop your hooklink over the plastic comb and wind your rig around! By nicking the hook into the dense foam, you can ensure that the rig stays put and the point stays sharp – without the use of fiddly map pins!
The Gardner Mini Rig Bin has been constructed from heavy duty plastic, so you don’t need to worry about the usual bankside bumps and knocks; your precision constructed rigs will be perfectly protected. After all, the last thing you want is to spend several hours pre-constructing a killer set of rigs to suit all angling scenarios only to arrive on the bank to find them knocked out of shape – ruining the precision set up that you had worked so hard to achieve. With its slim, cylindrical shape, this Rig Bin is ideal for the storage of all your chod rigs, as it helps your line to retain the perfect curve that you require to fish effectively using your popped up bait. The entire pot is 8.5cm long and 7cm in diameter. This ensures that it is compact enough to fit inside your jacket pocket, for easy transportation and storage. It is perfect for your hooklinks and chods when carp fishing and it is even spacious enough for wire pike traces – ideal for use when predator angling.
With an easy access screw top, you’ll never have any problem accessing your rigs on the bankside and you can ensure that they are close to hand for the moment that you need them. Gardner is a brand which is committed to the manufacture of innovative and high quality tackle, which really does exceed expectations on the bank. Established in 1980, the brand has a firm reputation for quality and a cult following of committed carp anglers who swear by its range of top end terminal tackle.
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