Drennan Night Fishing Lights,Â
It is often said that your eyes are your greatest weapon on the water. This is true whether you’re watching out for those initial signs of life before casting out first thing in the day or when you’ve got your eyes fixed on your bite indicators when your fishing rods are out. However, the most committed anglers will know that, more often than not, it is as the light is fading that the fish get most active. This can pose a big trouble, particularly if you’re float fishing at distance when you need to be able see the smallest indication in order to accurately capitalise on each and every take. When you’re angling in low light conditions or when you’re fishing at night, an isotope can make all the difference to your success. Rather than having your angling patterns being dictated by the turn of the earth, you can take full control of your fishing with a top quality Night Light – ensuring that you can maximise the time you spend on the bank.
Drennan is a brand which has long been synonymous with angling greatness and it is famous UK wide for its high quality terminal tackle designed with the coarse and match angler in mind. These Drennan Night Lights join an already impressive range of angling items in the brand’s collection. They are built using the classic isotope technology and use two different chemicals, separated within the Night Light by a glass tube. When you want to activate the Night Light, simply break the glass tube by bending the light until you hear a crack. You can then shake the light to mix the chemicals. As the chemicals within the tube react, they produce a vivid yellow glow. You should be able to notice this glow almost instantly but it will build in intensity as you further mix the chemicals.
The Drennan Night Lights produce an intense yellow/green colour. This has been proven to be the most visible colour in a range of low-light conditions – whether you’re fishing against the hue of a soft sunset or in the pitch black, you’ll be able to see this light clearly. It offers maximum luminescence too, allowing you to cast out to impressive distances without worrying that your float will be lost in the darkness of the venue. In order to maximise the lifespan of the Night Light, it is recommended that you activate them at the last possible moment. This way, the light is glowing for its maximum lifespan on the water – making it as effective as possible for as long as possible.
These Drennan Night Lights have been purpose designed for use with the Drennan Insert Crystal Wagglers. These are some of the most popular wagglers available on the market today and these Night Lights ensure that you can maximise their potential on the water. To use, simply crack and mix the lights as described above. Once they are glowing brightly, you can then unscrew the tip from your Drennan Insert Crystal Waggler. Thanks to the transluscent stem of the waggler, once you insert your Night Light you’ll be able to see its glow clearly, even from a distance. You can then reattach the top of the waggler and rig up as normal – your glowing waggler is ready for use!
There are three sizes available. The biggest two sizes are the large Night Light and the small Night Light. These both come supplied in individual packs. The mini Night Light comes supplied in a pair, for your convenience.Â
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