CC Moore Green Lipped Mussel Extract Powder
If you’re looking for a new attractant to add to a range of carp fishing groundbait mixes then you need look no further. Green lipped mussel is one of the most naturally devastating fish attractors out there and it is used in a huge number of bait recipes to great success – including CC Moore’s infamous Odyssey XXX freezer bait. To give you the freedom to create your own top quality groundbait mixes to complement incredible boilies such as these, CC Moore has isolated this uniquely attracting ingredient. With the CC Moore Green Lipped Mussel Extract Powder you can precision design the perfect groundbait mix for your needs, creating a powerfully attracting bed of bait to keep your chosen carp grubbing for hours.
CC Moore Green Lipped Mussel Extract Powder comes from New Zealand green lipped mussels. One of the largest mussel species in the world, the green lipped mussel is not only exclusive to New Zealand but they are also some of the most proven fish attractors in the world. To create this Green Lipped Mussel Extract Powder, the mussels have been defatted at the source. This reduction in oil content at this early stage significantly increases the effectiveness of the bait as the amino acids, vitamins, proteins, and other minerals are allowed to become more accessible to the fish. These readily available nutrients ensure that fish are able to feed in even the coldest water conditions and it CC Moore Green Lipped Mussel Extract Powder is as effective as a winter bait as it in the summer. What’s more, oils and fats have only limited attraction in cold water, so limiting their content in this bait ensures that you’re able to enjoy this high performance bait year-round.
The sky really is the limit when it comes to the inclusion of CC Moore Green Lipped Mussel Extract Powder in your homemade bait mixes. To create an utterly devastating mix, CC Moore recommends creating a mix which uses a minimum of 5% powder, as this really highlights the natural aroma of the bait. In fact, baits such as the Odyssey XXX boast a green lipped mussel content of 10% (per 100g), so there really is no limit to the amount of powder you should add to a mix. However, it is worth remembering that, as the powder has a very low oil content, CC Moore Green Lipped Mussel Extract Powder does contain some incredibly fine particles. These have the ability to become airborne and, as with all fine powders, the recommended guidance is to use it in a well ventilated space, to reduce the risk of inhalation. It is also recommended that you wear a dust mask, to completely eliminate inhalation risk. Green lipped mussel has proven its effectiveness time and time again and many anglers would consider this an essential ingredient to any carp fishing bait mix.
The CC Moore Green Lipped Mussel Extract Powder comes in pouches of 250g. This is more than sufficient for the vast majority of bait mixing scenarios – for example, if you mix CC Moore Green Lipped Mussel Extract Powder as a 10% ingredient to your groundbait bait, it can create 2.5kg (2,500g) of groundbait mix. This allows you to create an incredible bed of bait which is the perfect complement to any hookbait and will keep your carp interested for hours on end.
CC Moore has been manufacturing top end fishing bait since 2011, although the company had a long history of creating nutritional pet food and animal feed prior to this. It is now considered one of the finest manufacturers of carp and coarse fishing bait on the UK market.
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